Thursday 11 April 2013

Personal Macro Workbook

Do you use any macros repeatedly?

If your answer is YES, then Excel provides a wonderful feature to save your macros somewhere and makes them available whenever you open any workbook, instead of copying the macros to every workbook, manually. This feature is called "Personal Macro Workbook".

How to create a Personal Macro Workbook?

If you are using xl2007, select View > Macros > Record Macro...

In the window select “Personal Macro Workbook” under Store macro in:

Excel saves the steps whatever you do, in to a VBA procedure. Afterwards, you can open up the Personal Macro Workbook via the Visual Basic button on the Developer tab later and update/delete whatever you record.

That created workbook is shown as VBAProject (PERSONAL.XLSB) in the VBA Project Explorer (Left side menu) and the same is shown whenever you open any workbook, so that you can use that macro directly.

You will see a message box alerting you about your Personal Macro Workbook, like this.

Personal Macro Workbook Path
Something to be noted is, this Personal Macro Workbook is saved in a specific path (in xl2007)

Have an EXCELlent day!